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Smudging is a simple and wonderful to purify and cleanse a person or a place from negative thoughts. It works as an energy shift when used with respect and the right intention.


Palo Santo 'ethicaly sourced'
Palo Santo is a tree related to frankincense, myrrh and copal. This holy wood grows in the coastal regions of South and America and has been sustainably harvested to provide cleansing and healing benefits. The fragrance is unique – I’d describe it as somewhat sweet with a hint of sage and mint.
White Sage
This 2000 year old Indigenous American practice that the shamans used on their fires as a ritual of calling upon ancestral spirits. Any evil, illness or conflict was absorbed by the sage smoke and then cleanse from the auric field of a person.


Comes in a cotton bag.


White Sage & Palo Santo bundle

SKU: 364215375135191
  • Palo Santo 'ethicaly sourced' (approx. 4'')
    Palo Santo is a tree related to frankincense, myrrh and copal. This holy wood grows in the coastal regions of South and America and has been sustainably harvested to provide cleansing and healing benefits. The fragrance is unique – I’d describe it as somewhat sweet with a hint of sage and mint.
    White Sage (approx. 4'')
    Is a 2000 year old Indigenous American practice that the shamans used on their fires as a ritual of calling upon ancestral spirits. Any evil, illness or conflict was absorbed by the sage smoke and then cleanse from the auric field of a person.

    Comes in a cotton bag.

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