Her  Journey
Karin is highly intuitive holistic therapist, with a nurturing nature and her developed sensitivity and intuition helps her connect easily with her clients needs. ​
A nature and animal lover, Karin always enjoyed helping people to reconnect with their essence and overcome their energy blockages.
People of any age, can benefit from these therapies, Karin's clients range from 8 to 85 years old.
Her interest for natural things and inner peace guided her to studied several modalities that complement her practice, including Reiki Energetic Alignment, Chakras, Crystals, Singing Bowl, Bach Flowers.
Main Qualifications:
Reiki Master Usui lineage - Nature Care College
Meditation Facilitator - Nature Care College
Bach Flowers - Introduction
Energetic Alignment - 'Alinhamento Energético Cura Interior' Brazil
Chakras - Sonia Choquette